Google OAuth2 Homepage

What will this app do with user data?
The only user data received is bodyweight and kilocalories/kilojoules consumed. The data is stored locally on the phone and never transmitted to or shared with any website/service/app/etc.

How does this app enhance user functionality?
The app performs calculations based off the user's data to determine the user's TDEE (total daily energy expenditure).

Link to Privacy Policy:
Click here

Describe the content, context, or connection to the app:
This webpage is maintained by the creator of Adaptive TDEE Calculator in compliance with Google API usage requirements.

Google OAuth2 Limited Use Disclosure

This app's use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Privacy Policy

How does this application access, use, store, or share Google user data?
The only user data received is bodyweight and kilocalories/kilojoules consumed. These are accessed via OAuth2 login. The data is stored locally on the phone in an unencrypted database. It is never transmitted to or shared with any website/service/app/etc.